
Surface and nanoscience laboratory – CCMS


Recent publications:

“Radio Frequency Reflectometry Scanning Tunneling Microscope”, I, J, Chan, H. H. Li, Woei Wu Pai*, Taiwan, US (US88663311) ,German, and China patents granted
Tuning the magnetic anisotropy at a molecule-metal interface”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 24, 247203 (2015).

NbS3: A unique quasi-one-dimensional conductor with three charge density wave transitions, Phys. Rev. B, 95, 035110 (2017)
Tunable Se vacancy defects and the unconventional charge density wave in 1T-TiSe2-delta, Phys. Rev. B, 045310 (2017)
Investigating ultraflexible freestanding graphene by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 085433 (2017)
Emergence of charge density waves and a pseudogap in single-layer TiTe2, Nature communication, article number: 8, 516, (2017) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00641
Near room temperature chemical vapor deposition of graphene with diluted methane and molten gallium catalyst, Scientific Reports, 7, Artice No. 12371 (2017)
Dual phase single layer germanene on Ag(111), Physical review Materials, 2, 024003 (2018)
Characterization of external potential for field emission resonances and its applications on nanometer-scale measurements, New Journal of physics, 20, 043014 (2018)
Quantum-spin-Hall insulator with a large gap: single-layer 1T' WSe2, Nature communication, 9(1):2003 (2018) doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04395-2
Unique gap structure and symmetry of the charge density wave in single-layer VSe2, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 196402 (2018)
The basic and the charge density wave modulated structures of NbS3-II, Phys. Rev. B, 98, 174113 (2018)
Substrate-mediated umklapp scattering at the incommensurate interfaces of mono atomic layers. Phys. Rev. B, 99, 155408 (2019)
Pressure-induced re-entrant transition in NbS3 phases: combined Raman scattering and X-ray diffraction study, Phys. Rev. B, 99, 235126 (2019)
Thermoelectric power and its correlation with conductivity in NbS3 whiskers, Phys. Rev. B, 99,  235155 (2019)
Field effect in linear and non-linear conductivity of a layered quasi-one-dimensional semiconductor TiS3, JETP 110, 417(2019)
Observing quantum trapping on MoS2 through the lifetimes of resonant electrons: revealing the Pauli exclusion principle,
Nanoscale Advances, 2, 5848 (2020)

The ultra-high-T-P charge-density wave in the monoclinic phase of NbS3, J. of alloys and compounds, 854, 157098 (2021)

Germanene structure enhancement by adjacent insoluble domains of lead, Physical Review Research, 3 (2021).

The ultra-high-T-P charge-density wave in the monoclinic phase of NbS3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 854 (2021).

Identification and Manipulation of Defects in Black Phosphorus, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13 (2022) 6276-6282.

Modification of monolayer 1T-VSe2 by selective deposition of vanadium and tellurium, Aip Advances, 12 (2022).

Formation of Monolayer Charge Density Waves and Anomalous Edge Doping in Na Doped Bulk VSe2, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 10 (2023).

This is the Surface NanoScience laboratory in the center for condensed matter sciences at NTU. We do many interesting researches and offer abundant research resources and opportunities. Please visit us!


我們在做什麼?What we do?

Our laboratory recently focuses on studying 2D and quasi-2D materials, including graphene, black phosphor, ultrathin transition metal dichalcogenides and tri-chalchogenides, and solar cell pervoskites. We use scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, in combination of other techniques such as ARPES, Raman, TEM etc. and theory to get a better picture of 2D materials properties in atomic and nano  scale.

你可以學到什麼?What can you learn?

You will learn sciences in low-dimensional materials, in particular the structure-property correlations in nanoscale.

You will learn many sophisticated experimental techniques, and correct ways of handling these techniques, and a right attitude of doing research.

值得一提的機會?What opportunities?

Besides doing research on topics of your interests, we have many in-house(CCMS), domestic and international collaborations. You are encouraged to probe such opportunities to broaden your horizon.

If you are interested in joining us, please write to Dr. Woei Wu Pai at wpai@ntu.edu.tw

Interns, master and PhD students

[Lab techniques used ]
ultrahigh vacuum,several low-temperature and variable-temperature STM/AFM,in-situ MBE for metal chalchogenides, in-situ thin film deposition, in-situ vacuum Raman,chemical vapor deposition, patented radio-frequency reflectometry STM, surface electron-energy loss spectroscopy, ambent confocal Raman, temperature programmed desorption, 4-probe low-temperature probe station.
We have extensive collaborations with local and domestic experimentalists and theorists. Techniques involved are DFT, ARPES, MOKE, XMCD, Raman/PL, high magnetic field low-temperature dry-cool STMs etc.
【Current research subjects]
  • Novel phenomena, structure-property correlation , and defect engineering in 2D and quasi-2D materials, down to monolayer.
  •  charge density waves
  • molecular beam epitaxy and chemical vapor deposition of ultrathin 2D materials.
  • 3D and 2D solar cell pervoskites surfaces
  • novel STM instrumentation
Highly motivated individual with a strong curiosity of nature and a determination to succeed. Background in nature sciences and engineering.

Full-time RA and postdoc

We also welcome applicants of full-time research associates and postdocs. One or two openings are available.

As those for MSc/PhD students, with extra credentials in conducting good-quality research in related fields.
Related to my recent research focus and interests.
Any field is welcome, given good track record in related experience and research.
New regulation allows higher than norm salary commensurate with the candidates' qualifications.

We WELCOME perspective foreign interns, students, and postdocs to join us. Our lab has more than half foreign lab members from various countries. English is used extensively.


研究室 : 台大凝態物理館 R1023 
實驗室: 台大凝態物理館B107, B118 
電話 : + 886- 2 – 33665252 (office) +886-2-33665309 (laboratory) 
E-mail : wpai@ntu.edu.tw 




  • 美國馬里蘭大學物理學博士
  • 美國田納西大學, 橡樹嶺國家實驗室博士後


  • 台大凝態科學研究中心研究員
  • 台大物理系合聘教授



Woei-Wu Pai/
RESEARCH FELLOW/Joing prof. in Physics

Office : CCMS / PHYSICS Building R1023
Lab : CCMS / PHYSICS Building B107, B118
Telephone : + 886- 2 – 33665252 (office) +886-2-33665309 (laboratory)
E-mail : wpai@ntu.edu.tw


Surface Nano Sciences, Scanning Probe Microscopy

Education and Experiences

  • Ph.D., Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
  • Post doc., Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA, and  University of Tennessee, knoxville

Current position

  • CCMS Research Fellow
  • Joint professor of physics